Thanks and A Little Request to Ask

Hi Everyone,

I would like to thank all of you who’ve wished my mom and family well. It’s greatly appreciated and my mom’s ok for now but still a little shaky with uncertainty of what’s going to happen. We’re waiting on the testing results and what they doctors suggest as we go along. If you’re wondering what’s wrong with her, they’ve found a small tumor in her colon. In other words, colon cancer.

I hope I didn’t lose any of you because I’m not writing as often as I would like with the aforementioned and because of the plethora of photos I have to edit by today for a job. I never thought a hobby like would feel like a job until this week. Anyway, I’m working on the extremely belated Kefi post and hopefully it’s up by this weekend.

The little request I would like to ask from you, besides being patient with me is, if you do have Facebook please join my blog network. Honestly, I haven’t started it myself but my faithful reader and avid Facebook user, Tiffany started it. Just to keep that particular page/network alive, you have to join it or I’ll just close that page by the end of next week if there isn’t a significant amount of people joining.

That’s pretty much it for now. Have a good weekend!


I shoot, eat, and drink. My full time job is a hospital administrator. Moonlighting as a freelance photographer and food and travel writer.

  1. Brownie says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. I’ll keep her and the rest of your family in my thoughts and prayers. My blogging partner and I love your blog and we’ll always look forward to your next post whenever it comes.

    Take care,


  2. Amanda says:

    I can’t imagine how hard this time must be for you. Sending all the best wishes and hopeful prayers your way! I’m not even a religious person but I’m praying for your troubles right now :(

  3. My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer a little over a month ago and has just finished phase 1 of chemo.

    You will not be losing any of us readers so take the time u need for u and your mother.

    I would not be of mind to continue a blog either – and there will be days u will blog if only to get ur mind into another place.

    all i can tell u is that I am still in denial.

  4. thewanderingeater says:

    Brownie: Thanks. I’m trying to post by tomorrow (Sunday).

    VeggieGirl: Thanks for both!

    Amanda: Thanks. I’m not a religious person either but I’m wishing my mom well too. :)

    Natalie: I empathize with you. I would hug your mom for being a strong fighter.

    You shouldn’t deny that your mother’s diagnosed with lung cancer. I know it’s hard to embrace and live with it but it’s something we have to cope and try to make the best out of the (one of the many) worst possible situation. When the cancer does go into complete remission, we can all breathe a little easier and stop taking life for granted.

  5. Robyn says:

    Anyone who would stop reading your blog because you’re a little behind on entries totally sucks. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom! :( That’s a lot to have on your mind…I couldn’t imagine.

    I joined your group!

  6. thewanderingeater says:

    Chubbypanda: Thanks. So far, it seems ok. We’ll find out later on tonight after she sees the surgeon.

    Robyn: Ah, thanks for the condolences. Thanks for joining the group as well! :)

    Su-Lin: Thanks for the hugs and well wishes. :)

    Mitzy: Thank you.

  7. Miss Tiffie says:

    <333 I’m praying for your mother and wish the best!!! Stay strong :) Love & family is the best thing for illnesses!!!!

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