Recap: Cocktails by Design hosted by DIFFA at Architectural Digest Home Design Show 2012

Great art picks up where nature ends
My black raspberry cocktail made with Effen Vodka and spiced cheese sticks Cheeses by Murray's Cheese
Seared steak on cheese puffed cracker Lots and lots of pastries
Black raspberry cocktail made with Effen Vodka; Cheese from Murray’s, Seared steak on cheese puff cracker, and lots of pastries at DIFFA

Last night I was invited to attend Cocktails by Design hosted by DIFFA within Architectural Digest Home Design Show at Pier 94 in New York City. This was a fundraising cocktail event that mixed interior design with some food from a few local restaurants and vendors like Murray’s Cheese, The Lambs Club and Buddakan and a few others, with wines from La Crema, and vodka-based cocktails made with Effen.

Here’s a couple of photos of interiors and table settings that I found beautiful or interesting:

Gorgeous, dramatic, sea-inspiried design by Resource Furniture

Moroccan inspired setting Moroccan inspired setting

Really cool, futuristic interior
Really cool, futuristic interior (the utensils are made of wire)
Futuristic and the utensils are made of wire

Marchesa by Lenox
Marchesa by Lenox
Marchesa by Lenbox

The most eclectic table design I've seen that evening UK pillow meets plush cat
Tintin's eclectic table setting Elizabeth Taylor's chair...Glamorous
Steve Jobs' seat Michael Jackson's chair and table setting
The most outlandish and eclectic table design I’ve seen (with details of Elizabeth Taylor, Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson and Tintin’s seats)

Minimalism awesomeness by Architect David Ling

This architectural design show is worth schlepping to the far edge of west Manhattan and this party was a different crowd compared to the food-centered ones I’m used to (in a good way, since they appreciate and express art and creativeness in a different medium).

To view more photos of my visit, please click through the slideshow (or view my Flickr set):

[tylr-slidr userID=”hellokitty893112″ groupID=””]http://www.flickr.com/photos/hellokitty893112/sets/72157629285064336/[/tylr-slidr]

Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA)

Website: http://www.diffa.org/

Architectural Digest Home Design Show
Website: http://www.archdigesthomeshow.com


I shoot, eat, and drink. My full time job is a hospital administrator. Moonlighting as a freelance photographer and food and travel writer.