B Categories Uncategorized May 3, 2014 Bird Rock Coffee Roasters A new coffee bean find for me is Bird Rock Coffee Roasters, a micro-roaster based out in La Jolla, California. What I like a lot..
L Categories tea July 8, 2012 Le Palais des Thés Thé Glacé XL Iced Tea Bags, Chemex Coffeemaker & Coffee Beans (from Victrola, PT's Coffee Roasting, and The West Bean) For the past few months, I have been drinking a number of coffees and teas and thought that you’d like to give it a try..
L Categories tea July 8, 2012 Le Palais des Thés Thé Glacé XL Iced Tea Bags, Chemex Coffeemaker & Coffee Beans (from Victrola, PT’s Coffee Roasting, and The West Bean) For the past few months, I have been drinking a number of coffees and teas and thought that you’d like to give it a try..
H Categories Uncategorized December 5, 2010 Holiday Food Gift Guide 2010 Here are my picks for this year’s food gifts from artisanal companies within the United States. Yes, I have tried them and personally give them..