My Final Installment of the Holiday Gift Guide for 2011

We finally reach the final installment of my holiday gift guide. This is more of a relative hodgepodge of food related categories spanning from edible food items to beautiful housewares and cups. I’ve realized that I’m since I’m not featuring as much photos as I would like for this guide, I’ve created a Flickr set of everything that’s mentioned in this edition (the Flash-based slideshow is on the very bottom of this post).

Hopefully, my new way of publishing gift guides were visually interesting and most importantly, useful in assisting you finding your holiday gifts for friends, co-workers and loved ones. I do have one more list to come up with for the cookbook bibliophiles soon.

Happy browsing and hope your holiday shopping isn’t stressful!

Of course, for my mobile readers here’s the PDF version of this guide.

Previously written holiday gift guides
Spirits (and other still wines)

Holiday Sweets Gift Guide

Champagne & Sparkling wines

[tylr-slidr userID=”hellokitty893112″ groupID=””]http://www.flickr.com/photos/hellokitty893112/sets/72157628377175093/[/tylr-slidr]


I shoot, eat, and drink. My full time job is a hospital administrator. Moonlighting as a freelance photographer and food and travel writer.

  1. John says:

    Your All Holiday gift Guides are absolutely awesome!!!
    I’ve been following your blog for a long time now.
    I wish you have a Fabulous Year to come!

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